Finding a Referral Therapist in the United States

Something you should know about the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice
The Alliance is a true non-profit, public service organization in every sense of the word.
We make no money from any clinical referral services we provide. We don't charge you for the referral and the therapist pays us nothing for giving you their contact information.

Please read the following information carefully.
At the Alliance we try to make our best effort to screen each therapist to be sure they are licensed, ethical professionals, who adhere to Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity practice guidelines and carry the necessary professional liability insurance. We also carefully review applications to insure current Alliance membership and support for the mission of the Alliance.
As much as we try, however, we cannot guarantee that you will be satisfied with any particular therapist to whom you might be referred. There are many factors that influence a client's compatibility with a counselor. Those include such important considerations such as your treatment goals, the therapeutic process offered by the therapist, and your personal compatibility with the counselor. It is solely your responsibility to find out whether a counselor possesses the qualities that are most important to you. We suggest that you take the time to ask the therapist any questions that you might have. Let them know of your life goals or the personal values you want respected during the clinical process. Be sure you are comfortable with their answers.
Furthermore, each therapist is an independent agent who sets his or her own fees. Some accept insurance reimbursements and some do not. It is the client's responsibility to discuss payment and insurance with a prospective therapist before setting up an appointment.
The Alliance is not responsible for any dissatisfaction or problems that may arise in your private therapeutic relationships. Counseling relationships are a private matter between you and your therapist.
The Alliance will only make referrals in writing and none will be given over the telephone. By filling in the contact information form and clicking the send button you are indicating that you are seeking a therapist for clinical assistance for yourself or a member of your family and have read the statement above and understood the condition of use.
We need you to tell us a little about what you are seeking in the message area below.
Are you looking for a therapist? Is it for an adult, teen or a child? Are you looking for a therapist for a man or a woman? Are you looking for help for yourself or for someone else?
Please ask yourself, if you are looking for help for someone else and that someone is an adult (or even an older teen) - why are you asking? Please gently suggest to them that they can and should be contacting a therapist for themselves.
No one who comes for any type of clinical assistance because they are being pressured by someone else ever benefits. No one! No ethical counselor will agree to provide therapy for someone who doesn't want the counseling themselves. If you have a loved one you think needs counseling but they are not interested in seeing a therapist and this causes you distress perhaps you should consider getting some help for your feelings of loss, sadness or anxiety.
The Alliance will NOT provide you names or contact inforamtion of referral therapists. Rather, to protect their identity, if we believe your request would be served well by a referral therapist, we will forward your contact information to our referral therapists and they will contact you. We will notify you when we forward your information to them. At that point we do not know if you will be contacted by them or not. It is their decision to contat you.
By sending the contact inquiry below you signify that you have read, understand and agree to the conditions noted above
The Alliance as an organization does not provide health care services. We only allow health care providers, who self-certify that they are licensed and in good standing with all applicable accrediting authorities, to receive requests for therapy from interested individuals who approach the Alliance on their own initiative. Any provider may accept or deny any individual’s request for therapy referred to the provider by the Alliance. If the Alliance receives any complaint from an individual about a provider to whom the Alliance referred the individual, or at any other time the Alliance deems prudent, the Alliance may, at its discretion, do any one or more of the following: (i) investigate whether the provider has violated any principle, guideline, or law with which the provider agreed to comply, which investigation may include contacting the provider, any individual complainant, any applicable accrediting authority, or any other person who may have knowledge of relevant facts; (ii) recommend to an individual complainant that a complaint be directed to any accrediting authority with jurisdiction over the provider; or (iii) remove the provider from the Alliance’s registered provider list.