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Nature and Nurture: Same-Sex Attraction

by Gary Bondy


Since homosexuality, here referred to as same-sex attraction (SSA), was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in 1973, mixed results were provided from studies on SSA etiology. This paper attempts to unpack and critically examine some recent SSA etiology research from both nature (biological) and nurture (interactions between non-social and social environments with biology).



Nature research reveals a few complex genetic components, underwhelming twin concordance rates, and how SSA can be conceptualized from an evolutionary perspective. Nurture research reveals a fraternal and sororal birth order effect, a possible maternal immune response hypothesis, and hidden qualitative evidence for controversial family dynamics etiologies.


In conclusion, SSA’s origins are vastly unknown, leaving many possibilities open to interpretation and the cliché, “need for more research” definitely applies here. The question lies in when scientific societies will decide that critical thinking is the most important aspect in research motivation.

JHS 15 Feature Article - Nature and Nurture

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