The shape of things to come...
"Furthermore, the accrediting boards for graduate clinical psychology training programs in Canada are now planning to refuse to accredit university clinical programs unless they have a “social justice” orientation. That, combined with some recent legislative changes in Canada, claiming to outlaw so-called “conversion therapy” (but really making it exceedingly risky for clinicians to do anything ever but agree always and about everything with their clients) have likely doomed the practice of clinical psychology, which always depended entirely on trust and privacy. Similar moves are afoot in other professional disciplines, such as medicine and law. And if you don’t think that psychologists, lawyers and other professionals are anything but terrified of their now woke governing professional colleges, much to everyone’s extreme detriment, you simply don’t understand how far this has all gone."
Jordan Peterson, PhD (best selling author and professor emeritus of psychology)
To read the full article CLICK HERE
The Creation and Inflation of Prevalence Statistics: The Case of “Conversion Therapy”
Non-specific single-items in the Generations Study and the U. S. Transgender Survey are being misused to support non-specific restrictions on professional therapy.
The Williams Institute, the National Center for Transgender Equality, and scholars utilizing their data are not living up to claims of ideological independence and scientific rigor.
By Christopher H. Rosik, Ph.D.
Dr. Christopher Rosik interviews Dr. Neil Whitehead on important new study on SAFE-Therapy
Are Planned Children from Lesbian Couples more likely to become Lesbian or Bisexual?
New Research Challenges the “No Differences” Conventional Wisdom.
Reviewed by Christopher H. Rosik, Ph.D.
Featured article from the Journal of Human Sexuality Volume 12:
Sexual Attraction Fluidity and Well-Being in Men: A Therapeutic Outcome Study
Click Here for Free Access

The major mental health associations and most universities cannot be relied upon to provide balanced information on sexual orientation, particularly in arenas where advocacy interests are high.
Click here for full details and citations on this point.
Sexual orientation is not immutable and many people experience significant fluidity and change in their same-sex attractions, including those engaged in sexual attraction fluidity exploration in therapy (SAFE-T).
Research suggests 26-45% of men and 46-64% of women report experiencing change in sexual attractions over time. Moreover, of those reporting such change, 50-100% of men and 55-91% of women reported change toward heterosexuality over time. (Diamond & Rosky (2016, May-June). Scrutinizing immutability: Research on sexual orientation and its role in U. S. legal advocacy for the rights of sexual minorities.The Journal of Sex Research, 53(4-5):363-91).
Change in unwanted same-sex attractions and behaviors through SAFE-T is likely to some extent. Improvement of comorbid traits (self-esteem, depression, sucidiality) through SAFE-T is likely to a large extent. Rates of effectiveness and deterioration or harmfulness for SAFE-T appear to be similar to what is reported in psychotherapy for other conditions. (Santero, Whitehead, & Ballesteros (in press). Effects of therapy on U.S. men who have unwanted same sex attraction. Linacre Quarterly.)
“People with changing sexual attractions may be reassured to know that these are common rather than atypical.” (Dickson, Paul, & Herbison (2003). Same-sex attraction in a birth cohort: Prevalence and persistence in early adulthood. Social Science & Medicine, 56 , p. 762)

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